My friend Ayu asked for help in making a melon account so here is a quick tutorial. I hope it's easy to follow.
*Click on images to make them larger.
*Blue text is example of what to enter in boxes and blue boxes are where you should click
2. The following page will look like this. Click the right option which is "Sign up using Email."
Enter email address on the first line and then choose your email provider from the drop down menu( I recommend using your gmail or yahoo mail address.) On the second line enter your name WITHOUT SPACES. If you include spaces in your name you will get red letter telling you to not use spaces.
3. Scroll down and click the first box to accept all terms. You don't have to click the last box if you don't want to receive email with updates, offers, newsletters. After you have entered your email, name without spaces, and checked the user terms you can click the green button ONCE to go on to the next page.
4. On the next page you will be asked to enter the 6-digit confirmation number sent your email. It might end up in the Spam folder so make sure to look in all your folders if you can't find the email. The email will say "[멜론] 인증번호를 알려드립니다". When you have found your confirmation number enter it into the first line like below and then click on the box underneath to make sure you confirmation was entered correctly. The green arrow will appear if the confimation number is correct
5. Scroll down and enter the following information: ID, password, re-enter password, nickname, gender, and birth date. If your ID/nickname is already taken red letters will show up, so change your username until no letters appear. After all the information is entered correctly(no red letter should show up) you can click the green button to continue.
6. You should arrive at the confirmation page that lists your account information. Just click the green button and YEHET now you have a Melon account! :)
Afterwards, you will redirected to the main page and be logged in. When you want to login just enter your ID and password and click login like in the photo below.
Since most of you don't have a Korean registration number or cell phone number you will need to download the Melon app from the Itunes store in order to listen to full songs and download them. I use an android phone, so I use my Ipad to pay for unlimited streaming +30 songs for download. After I buy that, I log into my phone with the same account and can listen to music.